St Paul's
Garda Medical Aid Society
Garda Crest
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History of the Society

St. Paul's Garda Medical Aid Society came into being on 1st January 1980 and was registered under the Friendly Societies Act of 1896 on 22nd February 1980, as a result of the amalgamation of the Garda Siochana Medical Aid Society and the St. Paul's Benefit Society Limited.

GMA Logo in Bronze The Garda Siochana Medical Aid Society was first registered as a Friendly Society on 30th June 1934 by obviously very far seeing members of the representative bodies of that day. In those days the subscription varied according to rank e.g. Gardai paid 30 shillings per annum, Sergeants paid 33 shillings per annum, Inspectors paid 42 shillings per annum, Superintendents paid 78 shilling per annum. We now all pay the same rate. The benefits paid in the early days were much more limited than they are now. There were no hospital benefits at that time. The Committee, which ran the Society then, was made up of members of the different representative bodies. The first chairman of the Society in 1934 was Chief Superintendent Garret Brennan. The first Secretary of the Society was Sergeant P.J. Gallagher. The first Trustees of the Society were:

1. The then Commissioner, Colonel Broy
2. Deputy Commissioner, Eamon Coogan (whose wife was Beatrice Coogan and son Pat Coogan, former editor of the Irish Press).
3. Assistant Commissioner Walsh

The rules of the Society were amended down through the years and benefits were improved and subscriptions increased.

St. Pauls Benefit Society Limited was set up in the DMA and was registered as a Limited Company on 9th January 1964. In 1971 discussions began between the two groups with a view to forming one Society for the Force under the Chairmanship of Chief Superintendent Patrick McLoughlin later Commissioner. As seems to be the position with all such talks and negotiations they dragged on for some years and as I said earlier the new Society was born on 1st January 1980. The Society has provided and continues to provide great assistance to members of the Garda Siochana and their dependants.

The Management Committee of the Society at present is made up as follows:

6 nominees of the Garda Representative Association
2 nominees of the Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors
1 nominee of the Association for Chief Superintendents and Superintendents
1 nominee of the Garda Siochana Retired Members' Association
The remaining 10 are elected every three years by Postal Ballot.

In May 2008 the society achieved a long held aim and aspiration to purchase and own the Society's own offices. We purchased our new office at Plaza 255, Blanchardstown Corporate Park II, Ballycollin Road, Dublin 15 and completed the "move" from Phibsboro Tower with the minimum of disruption to our members. The Garda Commissioner Mr. Fachtna Murphy performed the official opening ceremony and unveiled a plaque marking the occasion on the 26th September 2008.

We are registered with the Health Insurance Authority under the Health Insurance Act 1994 and we hold a certificate of registration as a Health Benefit Undertaking.

All amendments to the Rules have to be passed at the A.G.M. and have to be approved by the Registrar of Friendly Societies.

The Society is registered with the Data Protection Commissioner. This puts serious restrictions on the Committee and the Staff regarding the disclosure of information.

The accounts of the Society are audited each year and a copy is sent to each member. An Annual General Meeting is held each year where the accounts are discussed as well as any motions sent forward by members for discussion and decision.

An Annual Return is submitted to the Registrar of Friendly Societies by the 31st May each year. The Return gives details of the members of the Society, the Income and Expenditure Account for the previous year and the Balance Sheet.

It is fair to say, in conclusion, that St Paul’s Garda Medical Aid Society compares more than favorably with any medical insurance company in this country. Benefits are now paid in respect of members and dependants. They are paid in respect of Hospitalisation, Drugs/medicine, Doctor, Dental, Optical, Specialist Outpatient treatment including X-rays, Blood Tests, Physiotherapy, ECG, EEG, Radium Treatment and Dialysis. Serious Illness Support and items such as artificial limbs and eyes, hearing aids, wheelchairs, respiration monitors and more.

Full details of our benefits and subscription rates are available on our schedule of benefits and subscriptions available on this page. Similarly all forms required to transact business with the Society are available for downloading on this page.